Monday, August 22, 2011

FAQ's in regards to my hair

I'm COMPLETELY addicted to weave, however I've recently (well, like a year ago) gone through a major change with my own hair. I did the BIG CHOP!

When I first did it, I had to stop myself from crying. I hated it and could not believe what had just been done. But eventually, it started to grow on me. Now I want to take the time to address some frequently asked questions about my hair and my transition process.

When did you cut it?
September 27, 2010... around noon... the day before my 20th birthday

Why did you do it?
Ever since I could remember, I've had a nice texture of hair as well as decent length (with the exception of my layer hair cut gone wrong), and I yearned for a change since I was about to enter a new stage of my life, as no longer being a teen. Also, I have always lack confidence and I figured if I could cut my most cherished hair and no longer have that shield (symbolically) , I could put myself to the test and build confidence. In addition, I have always longed for thick, curly, full hair... usually going to weave for the look. I figured this way, I could have the best of both worlds. Straight hair when I want, and curly, natural hair also. Lastly, the cut not only signifies a "coming of age" stage of my life, but it also signals me cutting away all the negativity that was holding me back, the challenges that were holding me down, and the misconception of me.

If you're natural, why do you wear weave?
LOL! I've actually gotten this one a couple of times.  Well... while I love my own hair, I love how wearing weave adds versatility, without putting stress on my own hair. With weave, I can ad color, take away color, wear it long, or short. The possibilities are endless. My meaning of natural only refers to my own hair. However, I have made an agreement with God saying that once my hair is shoulder length (straightened), I am def cutting my weave usage waaayyyyy down. 

If you have anymore questions, feel free to leave a comment : )


Tierra said...

Congrats on going natural! I went natural for the versatility too!

Lady Lola said...

Thanks Tierra!! I'll be more excited when it grows tho :/

Geriee the Glamazon said...

You look great with you natural tresses..xx

Lady Lola said...

Thank you Geriee the Glamazon !